Today I was working on developing Chehalis and I think I’m going to approach it from an overly glowing and optimistic Tourism Bureau welcome page angle. I’ve always enjoyed stories about the corrupt world of politics and business, especially in a futuristic setting. As a writer you are allowed to take the wild things currently occurring in our world and play them out to their most absurd, making the reader come to the horrifying realization that the craziest of things aren’t that far off.
I am enjoying what I create, but I’m still not sure what the balance between AI and me is supposed to be. I have a really hard time giving up creative control to anyone, let alone an AI creative tool. So far, all the writing has been 100% mine and the images have sort of served as inspiration for the writing more than helping actually write something. Having said that, I feel like I might be missing out on potential by limiting myself to my own abilities. I’m pretty comfortable letting programs create images because I simply don’t have the talent, but writing is something I feel more confident in and, personally, I care a lot more about what I write than what I draw. I should think of a line in the sand with what it can create vs what I create. Like a certain level of artifact can be created by it? Like if there was a restaurant in Chehalis I could have AI design a menu or logo. It’s not that I couldn’t design a menu, but the time it would take vs the payoff? Then I have to ask myself “should I create it in the first place?” Does the AI content, which I played some part in hold any creative value? I think it helps paint the world I want to create, but is there more? I’m also thinking of using AI images as a placeholder and updating them with my own creations later? I’ll end on this. The AI photo used for The Blog had no alterations once I chose it. So, my crafting was small. I kept adjusting the prompt using ChatGPT and Firefly, but that's all. I like the image, I think it adds to the world, but there is little if any pride, for me, in its creation. Will viewers feel the same? The image used for Chehalis was adjusted by me. The simple act of changing and adding a different city drawing and robot made me feel so much more creative ownership. Enjoy.